May 12, 2010

叶问(宗师传奇)2 - 打得好,就是故事普通 Ip Man 2 - Good Fights for Insufficient Reasons


叶问2无疑是一套高质素的片子, 好在(倒序):洪金宝的武术指导,好久不见的洪金宝功夫,甄子丹的身手,叶伟信把武打场面的拍摄手法。



我猜想構思这套电影时编剧和导演的思路是这样的: "要十个武打场面,每一次的对手都不同。 有时一对一,有时一对很多(越多越好)。其中五场要大的。大的怎么做?去问洪金宝。 如下的时间想想办法写个故事把这十个武打场面连起来。”

叶问1‘2故事最失败的地方是把叶问写到毫无目标。 空有一身功夫但是没有目标,从而也领到电影的进程变得虚无飘渺。每集的叶问对同胞受外国人欺压都无动于衷,每次都是因为好朋友给打死了才会挺身出来“结尾”。能够成为一代宗师真的能够那么被动的吗?我看过的其他关于叶问的纪录都不是这样的。

叶问3可能有开拍了, 希望对头两集的“方程式”有调整,不是单靠甄子丹+打得好看+打大众都讨厌的人就马虎了事。假如方程式不变,我已经想好了叶问6的故事(第六套应该打到现代了吧):

1) 雷曼兄弟


Ip Man 2 is undoubtedly a quality film. Its qualities, in descending are: the martial arts direction, the long-missed martial arts of Sammo Hung, the always-superb movement of Donnie Yen, and the ability for the director to capture the fight scenes.

In others word, you can say that the only good thing about Ip Man 2 is the fights. The fights, especially against abhorrent enemies that challenge national pride, a good movie made.

You can miss the first 1 hour of the movie without loss of understanding of what happens in the 2nd hour. And by the time the abhorrent enemy shows up at the beginning of the 2nd hour, and spit out racist comments, well you know how the 2nd hour works also.

My speculation is here is how the script was conceived:"Need 10 fight scenes, each with different set of opponents. Sometimes 1 on 1, sometimes 1 on many. 5 of these have to be big. Now go and fill out the stories in between these fights."

In both the first and second installment, Ip Man had no aim and objective in life. He chose to sit back and witness his compatriots being unfairly treated by foreigners, that is until, one of his friends got killed by these foreigners. As a great master whose name lasted for decade, could he really have such a passive personality? Not according to other records of him I have read. The passiveness in his personality also contributed a great deal to the passiveness and aimlessness of both films.

I hope the next installment will change the formula, and not relying on the tried-and-so-far-true Donnie Yen+Good Fight Scenes+Enemies everyone hates. If they stick to this, may I suggest this for Ip Man6(which surely would be in the modern era):

Donnie Yen+Good Fight Scenes+
1) Lehman Brothers and other Wall Streeters that lost a lot of our money
2) Real estate Developers
3) Tony Chan (Hong Kong version); local corruption officials (Mainland version)

Give me the gig for Ip Man 6! I guarantee 10 fight scenes, 5 of which will be very big.

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